
How To Gather Evidence That You'll Need In An Auto Accident Court Case

While the majority of car accidents are settled out of court, especially accidents that mostly involve damage to one's car, there are some car accidents that are handled in a trial. Because the burden of proof rests on you to prove that the other driver was negligent, the insurance provider might want to have your case taken to court. If this is the case, you will want to speak with an experienced auto accident injury attorney about what to do.

Medical Malpractice Cases: A Unique Form Of Harm

When people are harmed by the medical practitioners they trust, it can be a particularly difficult situation to deal with. The rules about filing these types of cases are very different than with ordinary civil cases, and victims should understand what might lie ahead as they proceed with a medical malpractice case. For more information about how these cases are different and what has to be done before they can file, read on.

Why You Should Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer When Your Child Is Injured On A Neighbor's Trampoline

Trampoline injuries are so expected and common that some homeowners insurance companies require additional insurance if a homeowner has a trampoline on their property. TheAmerican Academy of Pediatrics strongly suggests that there not be a trampoline on the property if there are children present. Common injuries on a trampoline include sprains, breaks, and more serious head and neck injuries. If your child is injured on a neighbor's trampoline, you can face an unwanted legal dilemma.

How Foreseeability Factors Into Injury Cases

When a client discusses a case with a personal injury lawyer, one of the first issues they usually cover is foreseeability. This is the doctrine in most types of negligence cases that a responsible party must have been able to foresee the consequences of their negligence to be liable. This article examines what it means in injury law for events to be foreseeable. Does Foreseeability Apply to Your Case? First, it's worth considering whether your claim might be in the smaller class of cases where this isn't an issue.

Why You Must Have An Attorney After Being Paralyzed In An Accident

One of the worst outcomes of a car crash is that you might become paralyzed. This often results from your spine being injured or your limbs becoming so damaged that you can no longer use them. After you have become paralyzed, you may find it impossible to find work and you may also struggle with handling your auto accident case without the help of an attorney. After the Accident If you are paralyzed from a car accident, there is a good chance that you won't be able to do anything but wait for emergency medical services to arrive.

Workers' Comp: Not Just For Physical Injuries

When it comes to workers compensation insurance, not all injuries have to physical. Mental and emotional issues could prevent a worker from working just as physical injuries can. Read on and learn more if you have been the victim of a traumatic event that was work-related. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) This form of mental trauma is often associated with soldiers returning from war but is slowing being recognized as something that might happen to almost anyone.

How Punitive Damages Are Awarded In A Motorcycle Accident Case

When you are involved in a motorcycle accident, there are several damages you might be able to collect if you win your case. You may receive compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. However, if you are the victim of an accident involving a very negligent party, someone who was reckless or even malicious, you may be able to receive punitive damages as well. How Punitive Damages are Different

Business Transaction Law Covers More Than Contracts

When folks hear about business law services, it's common for them to assume the professional largely involves contracts. In business transaction law, contract law is a subset of the work that attorneys do. Likewise, it's a field many lawyers specialize in. Business transaction law covers more ground than that. Here are four other types of business transactions you might have an attorney help you with. Mergers and Acquisitions Sometimes a company is the headline item in a transaction.

Are Pedestrians Ever At Fault When They're Hit By A Vehicle?

When a pedestrian is hit by a car, the injuries are often severe. Pedestrian collisions can result in numerous fractures, head injuries, and permanent disability. Pedestrians often sue drivers to receive compensation for their significant medical bills. However, the driver isn't at fault in every case. Sometimes pedestrians contribute to the accident or are wholly responsible for it. In these cases, they will only receive reduced compensation or no compensation at all.

What Does An Injury Attorney Do For Their Clients?

If you have any picture of a personal injury attorney in your mind, there's a good chance that it's probably from a TV show or movie involving a trial. Although that's certainly a potential part of personal injury representation, it's worth noting that the vast majority of cases will never go to trial. You may now wonder what an injury lawyer does for the clients. Here are three things that a personal injury attorney normally deals with.